Louis (Louie) Mitchell

Louis (Louie) Mitchell

Area Administrator
Gay | Pronouns: he/him/his
Louis Mitchell

What does identifying (or not identifying) with the BGLTQ community mean to you?

First, being able to identify within myself to identify and connect with others at work, school and my local community. To be able to identify my similar and different feelings while sharing common growth and struggles.


How, if at all, has your identity shaped your academic and/or professional journey?

I am proud of myself for living and being able to live a very "open" life. It has given me personally strength and a "nothing is impossible attitude".


What advice would you give to yourself when you were an undergraduate?

Care much less about what other people think. Other's acceptance isn't emotionally financing your success - I am.


What support can you provide to current undergraduate BGLTQ students who are hoping to enter into your field?

I am always happy to be a support system to anyone in need. I do wish I had an older, gay man to look up to when I was younger. I would love to be a support system to someone else and make new friendships along the way.


What are your areas of expertise?

I have worked in sales for an educational travel company and now in higher education. I am the oldest of four children. I had a rough childhood with alcohol, drugs and abuse and happy to open up to anyone working through similar (or different) areas of struggle.
