Kelly Sprouse

Kelly Sprouse

Staff Assistant
Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer, Gender Non-Conforming | Pronouns: she/her/hers and they/them/theirs
Kelly Sprouse

What does identifying (or not identifying) with the BGLTQ community mean to you?

Identifying with the queer community connects me to a shared history and an ever-evolving culture that goes untold in straight society. Identification lends meaning to my queerness and helps me understand my own experiences in context.

How, if at all, has your identity shaped your academic and/or professional journey?

My identity has had a profound effect on my politics, which has affected all of the choices I've made as an adult. I was partially drawn to my undergraduate field of study because of my identity, which has changed the way I understand the world in more ways than I can count. At a very concrete level, I have made decisions about where to work based on whether or not I felt like I could be out at work and express myself in an honest way.

What advice would you give to yourself when you were an undergraduate?

Stop clinging to the things you know are not where you want to be in ten years. Don't wait to pursue what you know you love, start now and put your heart into it.

What support can you provide to current undergraduate BGLTQ students who are hoping to enter into your field?

I'm happy to talk about most aspects of undergrad life, like managing coursework, working while attending school, and making post-grad plans. I'm also happy to talk about relationships, social dynamics, and some specifics of areas of study (depending on what those are). That said, I'm not a college alum, so I can't lend too much insight into the particulars of navigating Harvard as an undergrad, just navigating the process as a whole.

What are your areas of expertise?

Gender and sexuality studies (especially histories of western feminisms), sociology (especially sociology of sexuality and moral panics), statistics, literary criticism, administrative work, succeeding academically with ADHD/ADD, and work-life balance