Christopher Kabacinski

Christopher Kabacinski

Administrative Coordinator, Harvard College Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships
Gay, Queer | Pronouns: he/him/his
Christopher Kabacinski

What does identifying (or not identifying) with the BGLTQ community mean to you?

To take a line from José Esteban Muñoz, "Queerness is that thing that lets us feel that this world is not enough, that indeed something is missing." For me, queerness is an invitation to imagine, hope for, strive for, and insist on a world that is different, better, more just, and more hopeful than what we have now.


How, if at all, has your identity shaped your academic and/or professional journey?

Identifying as queer has brought into focus a commitment to equity and access in my own work in higher ed administration at the College and in my studies in the Higher Education master's program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. If queerness invites us to imagine different worlds, in my own work I'm trying to imagine how we can build more equitable programs, disciplines, and institutions for students, faculty, and staff.


What support can you provide to current undergraduate BGLTQ students who are hoping to enter into your field?

When I graduated from college, higher education administration wasn't on my radar as a career path. I'd be happy to talk with students about working in higher ed and navigating life as young professional.


What are your areas of expertise?

Higher education administration; applying to/attending graduate school (esp. while balancing full-time work); contemporary queer literature and art (always looking for new recommendations!)



