Elevating the Dialogue on BGLTQ Inclusion in the Church with Matthew Vines


Saturday, April 14, 2018, 2:00pm to 5:00pm


Yenching Auditorium


"Elevating the Dialogue on BGLTQ Inclusion in the Church"
A lecture and facilitated Q&A with Matthew Vines

April 14
Lecture and facilitated Q&A
Time: 2-3:30pm
Location: Yenching Auditorium
Gathering Space for BGLTQ students and allies
Time: 4-5pm
Location: BGLTQ Office, Grays Hall Lower Level

Matthew Vines is the founder and executive director of The Reformation Project and the author of God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships. Matthew attended Harvard University from 2008 to 2010. He then took a leave of absence in order to research the Bible and same-sex relationships and work toward LGBTQ inclusion in the church. In March 2012, Matthew delivered a speech at a church in his hometown about the Bible and same-sex relationships, calling for acceptance of gay Christians and their marriage relationships. Since then, the video of the speech has been viewed more than a million times on YouTube, leading to a feature story in The New York Times that fall.
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Hosted by the Office of BGLTQ Student Life and Faith In Differences