Jayscott Crosley

Jayscott Crosley

Memorial Hall / Lowell Hall Program and Administrative Associate
Gay | Pronouns: he/him/his

What does identifying (or not identifying) with the BGLTQ community mean to you?

I feel that identifying as BGLTQ is about being seen, heard, and represented. Coming of age in the middle of the AIDS crisis has been a catalyst. In my lifetime the more visible we have become, the more we achieve. I never imagined in my youth that I would see a time when you no longer could be fired or shunned for being gay, nevermind marriage equality. Living life as my true self is sometimes the only thing to get me through troubling times. Entering my 50th year on the planet, 15 years of marriage and numerous interactions with the community on both coasts I would love to share my point of view with those just arriving.

What advice would you give to yourself when you were an undergraduate?

I would say not to worry what others think, because quite often what they are thinking is not what you suppose it is. Be true to yourself, keep up the good grades, and for the love of god get rid of the mullet!

What support can you provide to current undergraduate BGLTQ students who are hoping to enter into your field?

I am fortunate to be in the Arts, which traditionally has been more accepting of BGLTQ people. However, I would wholeheartedly love to be a resource for any students who are interested in the Arts and Theatre for any reason, BGLTQ or otherwise.
