Sex and Gender Series: Gender/Sex, Social Neuroendocrinology, and Feminist/Queer Science


Thursday, April 19, 2018, 4:00pm to 6:00pm


Plimpton Room, Barker Center, 12 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

For more information about this series, click here.

This seminar engages feminist theorists, science studies scholars, and practicing scientists in conversation about the constructs of “sex” and “gender” in biological and health science research, highlighting the work of researchers who devise innovative ways to analyze gender in intersectional biomedical research.


In this talk, I describe how my research in social neuroendocrinology and sexuality is built with and makes feminist and queer science. I will discuss how I came to develop “gender/sex”, and highlight its promise for a bioscience and accounts of lived experience that take both biomateriality and social constructions seriously.

About the Speaker

Sari van Anders is a social neuroendocrinologist whose research focuses on sexuality, gender/sex, and sexual diversity. Her award-winning research has examined the social modulation of testosterone via gendered contexts. In her theoretical work, van Anders has innovated new frameworks and methods for understanding gender and sexual diversity, as well as for the practice of feminist and queer bioscience.