Nefyn Meissner

Nefyn Meissner

Associate Director, J.D. Admissions, Harvard Law School; Race Relations Specialty Proctor, Dean of Students Office, Harvard College
Non-Binary | Pronouns: he/him or they/them
Portrait of Nefyn Meissner

How, if at all, has your identity shaped your academic and/or professional journey?

I was born and raised in the South and went to the University of Virginia for undergrad. I went to grad school here at Harvard and have been a member of the university community ever since. I was drawn to work as a BGLTQ+ Specialty Proctor and engage in the BGLTQ+ community at Harvard because of my experiences growing up gay in a small town in the rural South, my perspective as a BGLTQ+ person of faith, and as someone who came out (relatively) later in life.

What advice would you give to yourself when you were an undergraduate?

Take time to get away from campus once a week. . .or at least once a month. It's good to get outside your campus bubble and feel like a person - not just a student.

What support can you provide to current undergraduate BGLTQ students who are hoping to enter into your field?

While my perspective is limited to my own lived experience and does not represent the broad range of identities, experiences, and perspectives in the BGTLQ+ community here at Harvard, I hope to be able serve in some small way as a resource for any members of the Harvard community, whether BGLTQ+, allied, or in between.

I am happy to chat with students about their academic and professional opportunities, navigating life at Harvard and in Boston, and about working in education. You’ll often catch me drinking too much coffee in Annenberg or working on projects around HLS – feel free to reach out to grab a cup of coffee and chat!

What are your areas of expertise?

  • Higher education
  • Pre-K & K-12 education
  • Psychology
  • Social sciences

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